Published Translations:
Marc A. Matten and Yang Zhao, The Transnational Development of China’s Modern Historiography. The Role of Chinese Doctoral Students at American Universities during the Republican Era (1912-1949), FAU University Press, open access, December 2023.
Marc Matten and Egas Moniz Bandeira: Globalgeschichten aus China–Aktuelle Debatten in der Volksrepublik. Frankfurt: Campus, 2023.
Li, Xuetao 李雪涛: Die Geschichte der chinesisch-ausländischen Beziehungen ist die wahre Weltgeschichte (中外关系史才是真正的世界史), Shanghai Normal University Journal 《上海师大学报》, Nr. 3, 2021.
Wu Yujin 吴于廑: “General Introduction” to the Encyclopedia of China – Volume on Foreign History (1990), translation by Joseph Ciaudo, with an introduction by Matten, Marc Andre: “Wu Yujin and the Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions of History—the significance of his Introduction to the World History Discipline in China” (in print, preprint version can be found in this pdf-file).
Zhou Gucheng 周谷城: „Commentary on World History without Worldliness (Ping meiyou shijiexing de shijieshi 评没有世界性的世界史) (1960),“ translation and introduction by Marc Andre Matten (in print, preprint version can be found in this pdf-file).